If you are planning to send out any kind of direct mail to your patients, then you should be aware of HIPAA compliance. HIPAA is an acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. There are five main rules to comply with HIPAA. Listed below are the key aspects of HIPAA compliance in direct mail. Follow these guidelines to ensure your direct mail stays compliant. And remember that HIPAA is a highly regulated industry.
HIPAA compliance requires medical practitioners to use only HIPAA compliant direct mail. The law restricts the use of PHI for marketing purposes and stipulates that healthcare providers can only use it in accordance with privacy standards. While HIPAA doesn't require a particular type of envelope, it does require that the mail content is not visible through the window in the envelope. Translucent envelopes can reveal sensitive information when held to a light. If you're mailing out direct mail to your patients, consider using self-mailers to reduce the risk of data exposure.
HIPAA compliant direct mail services can help you develop a successful mail campaign and ensure that the data integrity of your mailing pieces is protected. HIPAA compliance requires careful planning and careful positioning of private health information in mail pieces. HIPAA compliance is vital to the success of any direct mail campaign. To get started, read this article. There are also plenty of HIPAA-compliant direct mail services to choose from.